Physician Top Tab Credential Units; Custom Indexing, Dark Blue Folder with Standard Imprint copy on outside front of folder. Custom Indexing installed, Ten (10) Tabs per set fully assembled onto the Mediclip Fastener installed in position #5; Indexing two hole punched on left, Tabs on the right, 1/10th tab cut;
Position 1 Title: BCBS Color: 09 | Lt. Blue
Position 2 Title: CAQH Color: 17 | Pink
Position 3 Title: Colorado Access Color: 06 | Yellow
Position 4 Title: AZ Medicaid Color: 04 | Red
Position 5 Title: CO Medicaid Color: 16 | Md. Green
Position 6 Title: NM Medicaid Color: 19 | Brown
Position 7 Title: UT Medicaid Color: 11 | Orange
Position 8 Title: Medicare Color: 18 | Purple
Position 9 Title: Railroad Color: 02 | Gray
Position 10 Title: Other Color: 13 | Coral
Fully Assembled Units
Price Per Unit
$10.00 Each
$9.00 Each
$8.00 Each
Ships in 4 Weeks